Service Care Solutions are looking for a Data Governance Officer to work within the South Yorkshire Police on a 6-month contract.
Location: Sheffield
Job role/responsibilities:
The role will support data owners to share relevant information lawfully with partners for law enforcement purposes, support data owners to draft contracts with third party data processors, support with data access agreements, support data owners in completing Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA).
- Force SPOC for data sharing, processing contracts, data access agreements, DPIAs, new processing (new projects and systems)
- Provide professional advice to Data Owners
- Improve processes and systems for data sharing, DPIA and embed data protection by design.
- Develop and maintain appropriate tools/technical solutions/templates.
- Monitor compliance.
- Provide reporting and statistics.
- Develop Policy, Procedural Instruction and Communications
- Ability to effectively deliver training.
- Understands structure of the police and partners.
Knowledge/Experience required:
- Diploma Level Data Protection Qualification or equivalent expert experience in Data Protection Law (DPA 2018, GDPR, LED).
- Sound understanding of Human Rights Act 1998, Freedom of Information Act 200, Information Security and Governance.
- Excellent Communication and Negotiation Skills.
- Ability to effectively write legal documents, using appropriate language and grammar.
- Expert knowledge and experience of managing risk.
- Experience of delivering training.
- Ability to travel to any location within South Yorkshire Police.
If you are interested in this role or want further discussion, please contact Lewis O'Donnell either via email: or tel: 01772208962. Alternatively, if you have any friend or colleagues that might be interested, please feel free to refer them as we a have a referral scheme in place of up to £250.