Band 3 Community Health Support Worker
Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Slough Community Team for People with Learning Disabilities
Slough Borough Council, Slough, SL1 2EL
Monday to Friday 09:00-17:00
£13.50ph Weekdays
Under the supervision of the Senior Community Nurse - assist in the provision of a high quality individualised and person centred service for clients with complex health needs in addition to their learning disabilities.
Provide support for clients who because of their complex health needs, cannot access or having difficulty accessing Primary and Hospital healthcare.
Support and enable clients to participate fully in daily life activities, observing the individual's right to choice, respect and dignity at all times.
Promote the health and wellbeing of clients and encourage positive attitudes and practices.
Observe and record any change in general behaviour, ability and response of the client. Maintain written records and report to Health and Social Care staff within the team.
To contribute to case reviews as necessary and to maintain up to date records of client contact and intervention, including entering data onto a health electronic patient-centred computer Rio system.
To communicate effectively with client group (verbally and non verbally), their carers and other professional organisations.
Have the ability to work at times in highly unpleasant working conditions, e.g., home visits, body fluid, odour and expected to collect samples for health screen purposes under the direction of the Community Nurse.
Attend and make a positive contribution to the Community Team meetings.
To support and advise on hydrotherapy programmes under the supervision of the Physiotherapist.
To support families and carry out basic therapy programmes with clients under the supervision of the Physiotherapist.
To monitor and make minor adjustments to equipment (after completing relevant training) and to report concerns to OT or Physiotherapist.
To have a flexible approach and have the ability to prioritise and rearrange appointments with discussions with relevant professionals.
As part of a care plan to assist and support adults living independently in the community to improve and maintain good health, including monitoring of people with enduring mental health needs and long term conditions.
Support individuals to hospitals, clinics, residential resources or other destinations specified by the clinicians.
To provide support to service users as necessary to facilitate access to healthcare and support during their health appointment to facilitate their understanding.
To maintain records, including spreadsheets, according to procedures with reference to confidentiality, including contribution to Health Action Plans.
To work within a specified care plan written by professional clinician.
To feedback to the relevant professional who the work has been undertaken for.
Post holders should be prepared to work with clients on their own, at the discretion and supervision of the relevant professional.
To carry out planned client centred individual and/or group interventions.
Furthermore, if you know anyone looking for work and you refer across, we offer a £250 referral bonus per person.
If anything is of interest, please just respond to this email with an up to date copy of your CV or call Jake on 01772 208963