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The NHS Long-Term Plan; Our Thoughts

  • Publish Date: Posted about 6 years ago
  • Author:by Paul Bradley

Theresa May recently launched a new 10-year plan that could save up to half a million lives by focusing on early detection and prevention. The Prime Minister commented that the plan is a ‘truly historic moment’ but unions are concerned that plans could be scuppered by staff shortages. This plan is in conjunction with the extra £20 billion funding that the NHS will get by 2023.

Increasing funding towards our NHS can only be considered good news. Managing a team providing staff to the NHS for seven years myself, I have seen the strain which funding cuts have put on hiring managers. The extra funds are welcome news to a sector which has felt the brunt of the austerity measures enforced by the cut-backs in recent years whilst struggling to provide the best possible for the people of the UK.

The ambitious plan to bring the NHS into the 21st Century by utilising modern technology and the improved efficiency which it may bring is welcome news to me. It will, however, require a lot of care, planning and management to ensure it is a positive change. It is vital changes do not lead to a reduction in quality of care or stop those in society who are less tech-savvy from accessing vital services.

An extra focus in key areas such Mental Health services, particularly to the younger generation is, again, great news. As a provider of staff to Prison, Offender Rehabilitation and Police services nationally, I am well aware of the huge effort made to rehabilitate offenders and the cost in doing this. I feel passionately that improved mental health care for the younger generations can help to reduce the numbers that go on to become offenders, in doing this I hope we can reduce the strain on our overstretched police and prison services.

Ultimately, the funding will help another area which I am passionate about for obvious reasons, staffing. A number of NHS services are dangerously understaffed and I hope the funding can help them to address this. I hope additional funding can to recruit the numbers sorely needed to help reduce the strain on existing staff within the NHS. It has been reported that over 100,000 vacancies exist in the NHS including over 40,000 nursing posts.

Ultimately, for me, the success of the government’s plan rests on its ability to recruit the staff who go on to deliver it. As provider to the NHS via a number of approved Frameworks we have a commitment to helping the NHS recruit staff. We are proud of the part we continue to play in allowing them to work efficiently, reduce costs and spend via non-approved, non-compliant off-Framework agencies. We are proud of the contribution which our staff have made to many services throughout the UK and hope the additional funding pledged by the UK government is used effectively to help our NHS provide something which we can all be grateful for.

Should you need any assistance in finding a job or staff within any of the sectors mentioned above, please don't hesitate to contact us on 01772 555530.

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