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Top Tips for Taking the Plunge in 2020

  • Publish Date: Posted over 4 years ago
  • Author:by Paul Bradley

The holiday period often sees many of us not only enjoying revelry, but also reflecting on what we have and what we’ve achieved throughout the year. With the New Year, and the turn of decade, the focus for some has switched into how to be better in 2020.

In an era where self-love and self-improvement are no longer seen as egotistical endeavours, it seems that the start of a new the year might be all that was needed to push more of us into taking the plunge. The gyms are once again full of people whose resolution is to be fitter and healthier, Groupon is full of various discounted activity courses, the shops have increased their plant-based sections (think Veganuary) and job boards have endless opportunities. So what’s stopping you from taking the plunge?

Taking the plunge is scary - that’s the point. “You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new” (Brian Tracy). So this is for all of you teetering on the edge, waiting for a little more encouragement to start bettering the life you already have…

Some of us went full steam ahead and plunged right in like the Yorkshire folk on New Year – but others might need a little helping hand.

For the full-steam aheaders, keep going! You’re doing great, a small slip-up doesn’t have to undo all the hard work you’ve put in. Don’t forget to acknowledge how big a step you’ve already made and how far you’ve come already! Stop getting frustrated at your lack of progress and trust the process – in time it will come/get easier.

For those needing a hand, we’ve added a few tips to get you ready to plunge right ahead!

The 'plunge' could be anything from starting a new lifestyle (exercise/diet-based), starting a new hobby, learning a new skill or getting a new job.

First off, start small; “do one thing every day that scares you” (Eleanor Roosevelt) and then build up from here. This can be something as simple as saying “no” to something that you otherwise feel pressured to say yes to; accepting a compliment without being bashful or going out for lunch alone (come on, what's the worst thing that can happen!?). Doing something daily that scares you will start to diminish your fears and build confidence in yourself and your own abilities. This in itself is an empowering tool which will make you feel more secure in your decision-making.

Joining the Gym/Getting Fitter

Don’t be afraid to do an induction, enlist the help of a PT or join a class – it can be a less intimidating way to start joining a gym. If you’re gym phobic, get outdoors – take a hike or a bike outside, or try a run around your local park with a friend. Start small, take breaks when you need t,o and have fun while you do it.

Bear in mind: if you force yourself to go way beyond your present capabilities you’ll probably hate it, could end up injuring yourself and ultimately stop yourself from progressing or even wanting to put on your trainers next time.

Diet changes

Your goals could include cutting out the takeaways, giving up meat or dairy or even just making general reductions to your diet (thinkfewers crisps and chocolate). Be realistic about what you consume already and start by making adjustments, e.g. if you get takeout every week reduce it to once a fortnight or once a month, rather than giving it up completely.

Trying to reduce your meat intake? Do Meat-free Mondays, or try to eat plant-based Monday through Friday, and have the weekends to give in to your cravings!

Learning a New Skill

A new language, photography, learning an instrument – whatever the skill is - book a course or do some independent study. Join groups that can help you achieve your aim! Ask people who have done what you seek to do for information on how they started and what they found helped – most people who are where you want to be will be happy to share their experience with you and may even give you pointers to help you with your mastery of the skill.

Getting a new job

Think about what you enjoy doing and where your skills lie, then get in touch with people who are doing the type of thing you’re looking for. As recruitment consultants, we are well placed to give you advice on what sort of work you would thrive in.

Go and volunteer or intern or call up a place you’ve always wanted to work and see if you can get some experience there. A lot of companies can be accommodating to those seeking to enhance their skills and experiences, and may have opportunities for you to shadow them in their roles which may help you decide if that is the career path for you. You can also try working in temporary contracts to gain experience working within a new industry (check out our jobs page for roles).

The key to taking the plunge is to be confident and brave in your decision, then commit to it! Set yourself proper SMART goals:

and ensure you regularly review them. Moreover, be proud of what you’ve achieved; compliment yourself on it and even if you do have a few bad days, get ‘back on it’ – consistency is key to change.

We cannot become what we want to be by remaining what we are.” Max DePree

If you decide that you'd like to make a change with your job or career this year, why not get in contact with us to see how we can help? We have a wide range of positions available throughout the country.

Call our Head Office on 01772 555 530 or contact us via our online enquiry form.

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