Laptop with legal icons popping out
Why You Should Consider Locum Legal Work

If you're a qualified legal professional looking for a flexible and varied work-life balance, considering locum legal work might be the perfect solution for you. The term "locum" comes from the La...

A laptop screen with multiple windows open at once, all working on different topics, representing how smart AI tools are
How Will AI Affect Legal Jobs?

​The legal profession is known for its complexity, rigorous research, and intense documentation.  As of the first quarter of 2023, there were approximately215,400 people working as solicitors or l...

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Could The Government Face Legal Backlash From Their Handling of Covid-19?

On Monday 23rd March 2020, Boris Johnson made a public announcement declaring that the UK would be going into an initial 3-week lockdown. Since then, we’ve experienced a new three-tier lockdown sys...

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