Service Care Solutions are recruiting for a permanent Social Worker for the Assessment Team for London Borough of Barking & Dagenham.
You must have experience of working with children & Family's and have a least 1 years post qualifying Experience
you will work with Child protection, Children in need & Family support.
you will need to be flexible as you will be working within a busy children social services department.
Working for LBBD they will give you the time and support you need to make a difference and be the Social Worker you trained to be. Promoting creativity is at the heart of their aim. Social Workers are encouraged to share ideas, bring about positive change and strive to continuously improve outcomes for our vulnerable children and families.
Free Payroll Service*
SCS will fund the £9 a week fee via ARCH Umbrella company! if you secure a Qualified Social worker role.
Candidate Referral Bonus
SCS offer £250 for every Qualified Social Worker you refer over to us!
(£150 after 6 weeks in the assignment and £100 after completing 12 weeks)
Find your own job bonus
SCS will offer £150 to Qualified Social Workers sourcing their own job and referring it to the agency you must be placed in the role for 4weeks before payment can be made!
Permanent Qualified Social Worker Bonus*
If you are placed in to a permanent position by SCS we will pay £250 after you have completed 12 weeks in the role!
Subsidised training
SCS will pay up to £250 each year to help with your Continuing Professional Development
Loyalty Reward Scheme
SCS will pay a "Thank you" bonus to Qualified Social Workers after each 12-month period they complete with SCS.
If you are interested in the role, or know of anyone who may be, please contact Delanie Heyes at Service Care Solutions on 01772 208964 or email